Friday, May 14, 2010

The Nina and The Pinta

Recently we were privileged to have replicas of the Nina and Pinta arrive at the port nearby.  Even though I knew it would be a hot field trip I jumped at the chance to visit these ships.

Rope Rope and more Rope would be the word of the day.

 When Columbus sailed the seas life was a wee bit different.  In the hold of the ship all of the livestock was stored for use when they finally arrived in India.  The animals were suspended in slings to keep them from breaking a leg or hurting one another in the tossing waves of the sea.  Someone had to regularly release them from their tethers and walk them to prevent their muscles from atrophying and their skin from getting sores.  Can you imagine the luck in being given that job?  The odor leaking from that ship must have been beyond anything our nostrils have ever experienced.  

Construction of the Nina was started with much research in 1986 and in effort to make it as authentic as possible, no modern tools were used to recreate this ship.

My Spanish sailers...don’t they look happy?

It is amazing how many men and animals were packed on this small sailing ship.  It is truly a spectacular experience.

Visit for more information and to see when they will be in your neck of the woods.
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