Tuesday, November 16, 2010

US Encyclopedia

 There are very few books that all of my children have enjoyed or benefited from.  They all liked the Beverly Cleary novels and Dr Seuss but after that it was a real hit and miss situation.  Even curriculum has been tricky.  My oldest son did quite well with Saxon Math and yet it reduced my oldest daughter to tears.  
The year we started home education I was helping to set up a library book sale when I found a three volume set that has been a great investment.  All of our kids have used it and I really don’t know how many books I would have had to purchase or borrow to meet their resource needs without this great set.

It is called, The Young People’s Encyclopedia of the United States.  I would say it is written for children in grades 5th - 8th.  We have used it for the study of the states...

...and wars the US has been involved in.

And there is even scientific information...

... literature knowledge...

...and the arts.

This artistic addition was done by a child who will remain unnamed.   Only one of my offspring felt the need to add illustrations to our books...she better use her artistic skills for profit in the years to come.  Enough walls, books and toys endured her “markings” as she grew up.

Although this series is no longer in publication you can buy it used on Amazon.  Who knows...maybe you'll be lucky enough to get one with these awesome illustration additions.
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