There are many different kinds of families who home educate for a variety of reasons. Some use a purchased curriculum and some do not. Some parents teach their children at home for religious reasons, and others do it because they believe they can provide a superior education. So what does your home school family look like?
This new section on Hammock Tracks Home School will be devoted to interviewing home school families, with a goal towards shedding some light on the many faces of home schoolers. If you'd like to take part in this weekly post, email me at savannahmcqueen at ymail dot com
If you have a blog I will link to it at the close of the interview. If you'd rather not be identified, your post can be anonymous. Lastly if you were home educated and are now grown, I would appreciate getting your input, too.
To view the questionnaire click here.
To view previous interviews click below.
Week 1 - Candy Trygstad of Colorado
Week 2 - Theresa @ Red Oak Lane
Week 3 - Elizabeth @ Yes, They're All Ours
Week 4 - Tonya @ Homeschool Redux
Week 5 - Mindy @ Grateful for Grace
Week 6 - Tristan @ Our Busy Homeschool
Week 7 - Karyn @ Teach Beside Me
Week 8 - Darcy @ Just A Night Owl
Week - Musings of a Stay At Home Mom