I am making some changes to my writing prompts blog hop. So spread the word!
Not only will I offer the writing prompts on Friday, but the blog hop will be open to all homeschool posts that show you living life as a home school family.
On Friday I will offer the writing prompts and open the blog hop. If you choose to accept the writing challenges you can write your post and link up any time in the next week.
If you have a post that is already written you can link it up now.
Any home school post is acceptable.
Writing Prompts:
1. History Curriculum - What are you using and why?
2. Difficult Subjects - Every child has a subject that they find is more difficult than others. How have you been able to help your child through this challenging content? Do you have an initiative program? Share your ideas and know that we will all look forward to hearing them.
3. Home School Fill-In - Fill in the blanks, add a picture and post it.
Some days I_________.
I adore ________ but________.
Home schooling ___________ and _____________.
If I could change one thing__________.
4. Gardening - Anyone planting seeds with their children? Share what is going on as spring is just around the corner.
5. Wild Card - Share any home school related posts. If you are part of a home school family and you have written a post about home school life, link it up next week on Wednesday, March 14th
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