Monday, October 3, 2011

10 List - Things I Want to Accomplish in School This Week - Every Monday Blog Hop

For my wee girl - 

1. Cover four more letter sound review units.
2. Memorize - Rain by Robert Louis Stevenson

For my big girl -

4.  Complete one chapter of SAT math review.
5.  Complete four essays in time frame provided, 1 per day.

For my boy (the one and only in my class) -

6.  Complete twelve math pages.
7.  Science Unit and learning from Coast Fest
8.  1 writing assignment

In the non-subject, but still learning category.

9.  We are going to help a family who is relocating to Atlanta, pack their house.  I am classifying this under - service project.

10.  I've been meaning to schedule three field trips...this is the week.

I am in no way saying that this is a complete list of what we need to do, rather it is some of the critical subjects, where it is difficult to see progress.  When I reach the end of the week I can reflect on this list of accomplishments, and know we are gradually climbing the hill in that area.

So, what is on your critical list?  What have you been putting off?

Have you made a list of thing to accomplish this week?  Whether it is school related or not, make a list and link up below!  At the end of the week when you are feeling somewhat defeated, and not quite sure you made any progress you can reflect on your list.
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